Forward Momentum

Posted by on Oct 15, 2012 in Principal's Posts | Comments Off

Moving forward is always challenging. It means letting go of the past. It requires a commitment to Learn by Doing. In our efforts to continue to Learn by Doing we are excited to be putting together an opportunity for students. We are working on getting a summer day-camp program together that focuses on reading skills. This program will be based on experiential learning wherein students have a book and based upon that book students will experience the outside world around them in this valley. The goal of the program is to 1) increase student literacy skills, 2) connect students who typically struggle with school with the school, 3) enhance and build reading comprehension, and 4) to build meaningful relationships. We will be having a fund-raising activity including a raffle for a bike at the McDonalds on 90th South and 40th West, 5-8pm on Wednesday Oct. 17th. Please come support this great effort!!