PDA and Language
PDA and Language

Every month during each lunch students meet with me to discuss the school. What is good and what we need to improve upon. Last month students in each lunch were very concerned about the PDA (public displays of affection) and innapropriate language being used in the halls. Innapropriate language is one component of bullying. In response to these concerns we are launching a new system to decrease - if not eliminate - these things at Sunset Ridge Middle. When students engage in PDA or use innapropriate language they will be issued a “ticket”. When this ticket is filled out by the adult who witnessed/heard the innapropriate language or activity they will write exactly what happened. If a student swears - that word will be spelled out as it is. The first ticket is a warning, it will be logged and sent home to parents. The second ticket will result in it being logged, the student conferencing with their assistant principal, and mailed home to parents. The third and any additional ticket(s) will be logged, the student will conference with their assistant principal, it will be sent home to parents, and the student will recieve a lunch detention. We are hopeful that this will assist students, parents, and teachers to eliminate this type of behavior from Sunset Ridge.

Thank you for your support in this matter.