Category: Principal’s Posts
Wrapping Up

November?! The next couple of weeks at Sunset Ridge are very busy. The end of the quarter is this Thursday (No School on Friday). We remind all that there is no iFlight until the 14th of November - we do not hold iFlight the last week of the quarter and first week of the quarter. Picture re-takes are Wednesday the 2nd. Our Dance classes are preparing for their Fall Presentation as are our Choir and Music students. THE BIG event this month is our schools musical - Once Upon a Matress Jr. - Our students and directors have been working very hard getting this musical ready.


We would like to thank our community for the fantastic support that they provide to our School. We had 79% attendance at our Student-Led Conferences. We are nearing the end of the 1st quarter and we would remind you that 1) Student Progress Reports will be mailed home Friday the 14th of Oct. 2) There is no school on the 20th and 21st. 3)The 27th and 28th of October are the last days to turn in missing or late work for 1st quarter.


The last week of the quarter is the 31st-Nov. 3rd. The 3rd of November is the last day of the quarter and there is no school on teh 4th of November. We will NOT be dressing up for halloween at school.


We would encourage students to begin now to get all of their missing/late work resolved with their teachers.


We are so excited to be having Student-Led Conferences this week! Please know that even though we do not do the traditional Parent Teacher Conferences we do have an hour of “drop in” time for you to meet with your students teachers. Student-led conferences are age-appropriate for middle school students. They help them to understand and account for their learning, develop social skills meaningful to job applications, internalize their own learning, and are socially equitable. Not only do Student-Led Conferences assist the students the benefit to our culture at SRMS is essential. Sunset Ridge is continually undergoing academic development to enhance the educational experience of our students. Student-Led conferences are a tool to enhance and foster academic rigor, developmental responsiveness, and social equity.