Tutorial for lunch and fee payments:
Log into Family/Student access on the Jordan School District Skyward
The left side of page will show a listing of all tabs. Place curser over Fee Management and click on it. This will bring up the page showing all fees charged, paid or due.
You will see listed across this page the following: View Fees, View Payments, View Totals, Make a Payment, Add a Fee.
Place the curser over Make a Payment and click.
This will bring up a second page with a listing for Food Service Payment and Fee Management Payment.
Place curser over Update Payment Amount and click. Type the amount you would like to pay in the Payment Amount box. Then click on Update Cart. This small box will disappear.
At the top right of the page it reads Online Payment Vendor with a drop down arrow box showing Credit Card. Next to this box is Pay with Vendor or Empty Cart. Place curser over Pay with Vendor and click. A small box titled Submit Payment and it will ask if you are ready to submit the payment. Place curser over Yes and click.
A window titled Welcome to e-Funds for Schools appear. If you have not used this system before you need to Create an Account. Click on this link and create a username and password for your credit card information. Once this is complete then you fill in your user name and password and sign in.
The next page will show the amount to be paid with a green Submit Payment tab. Only click on this tab once and it will submit your payment.