The first three weeks of May at Sunset Ridge are dedicated to CRT (Criterion Referenced Testing). These tests are used to summatively evaluate student learning in a particular subject. Currently only Math, Science, and Language Arts have a state mandated CRT. However, throughout the year in every subject teachers use ongoing formative assessments to measure student learning. CRT’s, by their nature, are a snapshot of what a student learns, however, these CRT tests are extremely important to the school. Each year we use the data from the CRT tests to drive many decisions made at the school. This is both school-wide and at the more intimate classroom level. We are extremely fortunate to have a fantastic group of educators that are dedicated to the success of our students.
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Archive for May, 2011
End of Year Testing
Written by travis.hamblin
Monday, 02 May 2011 10:02
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Monday, 02 May 2011 10:02
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