Mr. Schiszler is in his fourth year of teaching and he has been on our faculty at Sunset Ridge Middle School for all of those years. Mr. Schiszler is a teacher
who is constantly asking questions to improve his teaching and he has worked hard to become the best science teacher possible. I have had the privilege to both mentor Mr. Schiszler and to work alongside him to develop lessons and activities to improve the learning of all 9th grade Earth Systems students.
Mark is the creator and webmaster of a wiki spaces website (plug; the website can be found at: This is the second year this site has been available to students and parents to help in their science learning. The website he manages contains information on everything from the daily lessons and planner postings for the year to present and past notebooks and assignments. Students can access their textbooks online and they can find PowerPoint presentations to help with their current and past assignments as well as review of key concepts for tests. Help for science projects are available and a link to our school weather station, website and other useful web links are readily available. We have experienced over 500 new visits on our website just this year.
Before he became a teacher, Mark Schiszler worked installing satellite systems for homes and businesses through Utah. We were very fortunate to have his expertise as the school was given free access to educational programming from the Direct TV satellite company this year and Mark used his knowledge and equipment to install the system and get it operational for all teachers and students to benefit from at Sunset Ridge. Mark has had a very busy year that includes not only his teaching responsibilities and helping with after school intramurals but he has an after school job and along with his wife Karen, Mark has four children at home. He bought a new home; he is training a new puppy (a Springer Spaniel named Paden) to be a friend and partner in his hunting excursions. He enjoys fishing, camping, hunting, riding his dirt bike and playing racquetball. He is a friendly and outgoing person and he hosted a weekend trip for some of the faculty to his family cabin outside of Yellowstone National Park this past fall.
Mark has been a wonderful addition to the faculty and science department at Sunset Ridge. I have truly enjoyed getting to know him and work with him during these past four years. With any luck we will be privileged to have him continue his teaching career at our school for many years to come. Please stop by to say “Thanks” to Mr. Schiszler for his hard work and dedication, and by the way, his favorite candy is Twix, Snickers, Three Musketeer, in other words, anything chocolate.
(These kind words are brought to you by Mr. Statler)