Mr. Oldroyd
Mr. Oldroyd

It is my pleasure to tell you a little bit about our very own Mr. Oldroyd. Mr. Oldroyd teaches CTE Intro, Tech I and Tech II. To be able to offer more elective classes to students he teaches 7 periods straight without a preparation period. He has been doing this for the last few years. He often gives up his lunch so that he can update grades, prep for classes and help students.

When you talk to students about Mr. Oldroyd they are excited to tell you about the projects they are working on, how cool he is and how they admire him as a teacher. They comment on shooting rockets, making skateboards, and various other projects. He has a way of directing students who need a different way of learning. He reaches some of the most unreachable students.

He is willing to help other teachers, it is not uncommon to hear other faculty members comment on how he stopped what he was doing and helped them with a project, even when he was really busy. He does service without being asked. He is kind and sensitive to others that he is working with. He pays attention to others needs and helps out, just because he wants to.

Mr. Oldroyd likes to joke around with teachers, students and his family. When I asked students what they liked best about him many students commented that they liked his sense of humor, how he is funny at times and tells good jokes. Student like his open personality—they like how he is not afraid to speak his mind and let students know if they are doing a good job or if they need to improve.

It is not uncommon to hear him bragging about his Aggies! Yes! Mr. Oldroyd is a dye hard Aggies fan. He has season tickets to the Aggie games and always brings his coworkers new Aggie t-shirts each year. He always has a good comeback to most smart remarks and loves to tease his coworkers who attended BYU. Something you may not know though is he attends many BYU games with his Dad each year so his Dad has someone to go with him.

Mr. Oldroyd’s pride and joy is his family. He enjoys camping, hiking, exploring, building and reading with his family. He proudly shows pictures of his summer adventures with his family and puts together a travel book each year. Mr. Oldroyd can give you great recommendations for books—he refers to himself as a bookworm and enjoys the chance he has to read good books. He is a big fan of dear here at the school.
It has been a pleasure to work with him here at Sunset Ridge Middle School the last 4 years. I hope he realizes that he is an amazing, teacher, father, coworker and friend. Thanks for making a world of difference!

(These kind words are brought to you by Mrs. K. Johnson)