Counseling Center Guidance Info
Guidance Info

Student Protocols for a class change

  1. Class changes are made the first week of a new year or new semester.
  2. Student must fill out a class change request form.
  3. The class change form must be signed by a parent.
  4. Class changes are not final until the student has had an appointment with a counselor.
  5. Not all class change requests can be accommodated.
  6. Class changes will not be made to change lunches.
  7. Class changes will not be made after the second week of a semester.

Parent Protocols for a class/teacher change after the second week of a semester

  1. Contact your student’s Teacher with any problem you may be having.
  2. Schedule a conference with the Teacher.
  3. Schedule a conference with the Teacher, Counselor and V.P.
  4. Class change if still needed.


Becky Stephens

Stacee Worthen

Sunset Ridge Counseling Center