Phone: 801-412-2475 Fax: 801-412-2490 Address: 8292 S Skyline Arch Dr West Jordan, Utah 84081 Office Hours: 7:20A--3:20P

9th Grade Supplies List

9th Grade Recommended Supply/Materials List

 Pencils (several packages, with erasers)

 Pens (Blue, Black, and Red)

 Colored pencils (2 sets of 24 or more)

 1 Binder (2 inches or larger)

 Pencil pouch

 5 Paper Dividers for Language Arts

 8 Pocket folders (one for each subject and one for homework folder)

 Paper (loose-leaf, no spiral edges)

 2 Composition notebooks (for math and language arts)

 1 tear-out notebook with perforated edges (for geography)

 Scientific calculator (example: TI-34) (Not a graphing calculator)

 Independent reading book

 Gym clothes (will be explained with registration materials, or see gym teacher)


 A method book and an instrument, which can be obtained from local music stores, if you

have an instrumental music class.

 Composition Book (for Theatre and/or French and/or Biology)

 Flash drive for projects (AP Human Geography and/or Biology)

 Dry Erase marker (French/Spanish)

 Additional supplies may be required by individual teachers

 Choir Students: Pocketed folder with three brad insert (Same folders for Student Led

Conferences), set of dividers (8), and a pencil

 Guitar students need to supply their own acoustic guitar (NO ELECTRIC ALLOWED)

Please contact any of the 9th-grade teachers if you have difficulty finding or purchasing any of


Posted on

June 17, 2015