School Information



Lunch prices are $2.00/day with a-la-carte available. A second lunch purchased the same day is $3.00. Breakfast is $1/day from 7:15 to 7:45 Monday –Thursday and Fridays 9:15 to 9:45. Lunch money may be deposited online using Skyward. Lunch deposits can be paid with registration but on a separate check if not paying on line. No checks will be cashed or change given for vending machines. Sunset Ridge Middle School is a closed campus. Students will be considered truant if off school grounds during lunch.


Sunset Ridge wants to keep you informed about your school.

Please note the several methods we use:

  • Skyward Family Access
  • Skylert
  • Sunset Ridge online
  • Facebook
  • Twitter @Falconsrms
  • PTSA newsletter (on the school web site and e-mailed through skylert)
  • School Newsletter sent via e-mail through Skyward/Skylert
  • Various mailings and handouts


SRMS provides support and opportunities for students to increase learning and effectiveness in the following ways:

  • iFlight – held 2 days a week for students to receive help with concepts and classwork.
  • Teacher Advisory (TA) – 8th period on your student’s schedule. Grade checks, character education, etc… Students will receive a Pass/Fail for this class.
  • Academic Skills Academy (ASA) – for students who are identified by their teachers who need increased support. This academy is during lunches and Friday mornings before school. ASA is referral-based.
  • Math Lab – before/after school Tues – Thurs.
  • One-on-one Assistance – Teachers are available before and after school for individual help. Please have your student take advantage of this service.


  • The PTSA benefits Sunset Ridge in many ways and provides leadership opportunities as well as activities and programs for students
  • PLEASE support our PTSA!!! Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter @FalconSRMS