SRMS’s AntiBullying Campaign is Receiving National Media Attention.

“NOT IN OUR TOWN” highlights communities working together to stop hate.

Link to the Article… Third story down.

Students and administration at Sunset Ridge Middle School in Salt Lake City, UT joined forces last year in a truly inspiring anti-bullying campaign. When someone scribbled a cruel message on a sticky note and placed it on the back of an unsuspecting student, the entire school took it personally. Students in an anti-bullying ambassador program mobilized teachers, administration, and more than 1,000 members of the student body to stand in solidarity against bullying. Participants showed up to school wearing sticky notes with the message “Not in Our School, Stop the Hate,” in support of the victim. Their courageous actions caught the attention of Disney who will be filming Sunset Ridge as a model program to stop bullying.

West Jordan Journal

At Sunset Ridge Middle School, 24 Anti-Bully Ambassadors are redefining the power kids have when they unite against bullies. The Ambassadors campaign against bullying of any kind in their school, organizing activities throughout the year to promote the anti-bullying message, like flash mobs, a “Not in Our School” Sticky Note Day, and they have even traveled to elementary schools to share with younger kids.

Author: scampbell


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