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Counselor Resources for Ambassador Groups

Anti-bullying is a huge push in schools and Sunset Ridge has adapted their Student Ambassador Program to not only take a stand against bullying but to be a positive force for good as well. This presentation will contain our anti-bullying curriculum as well as our new focus on positivity. We have provided our positive ideas, activities, and uplifting programs, which we now are using with our students.

Ambassador Application Process

We do application for 8th and 9th grade ambassadors during April and May. Applications are available for several weeks and then the counselors go through the applications and have a 3 minute interview with each student. After the interviews have taken place, the counselors meet together to select the Ambassadors for the next school year. We do not do applications for 7th grade until the end of 1st quarter in the fall. That way, they can get familiar with our school and get a teacher recommendation.

Ambassador Application


T-Shirt Days

We have 3 days a week that our ambassador students wear their T-shirts. This is to continually remind the students that our ambassadors are available to talk to and to remind our ambassadors that they are to be an example to their peers.

  • 7th Grade - Wednesdays
  • 8th Grade - Tuesdays
  • 9th Grade - Thursdays

Elementary Outreach

These Ambassadors travel to each of our feeder elementary schools to teach an anti-bully message to 6th graders and help sixth grade students transition to middle school. One of the counselors does a 30 minute anti-bullying assembly for 5th and 6th graders, then the ambassadors go into 6th grade classrooms and teach two 15 minute lessons. After the lessons, the ambassadors answer the 6th graders’ questions about middle school. They year the ambassadors adapted one of the lessons and completely built a new lesson together. They were really excited to teach these lessons because they had a say in what they were teaching to the elementary students.

Ambassador Classroom Lessons

Counselor Assembly Presentation

We also bring over all of the 6th grade students who will be coming to our school on a fieldtrip. They see a 45 minutes assembly and then they get a tour of the school. The ambassadors lead these tours and answer all of the 6th graders questions about middle school.

All of the ambassadors also come on our 7th grade orientation day to help the new students find their classes, open their locker, and have a fun first day of school.


Anti-Bully Curriculum

Here are some of the lessons we provide to all students in October. These are a reminder of our school policies as well a reminder about what bullying is.

Bully Prevention 7th Grade Lesson

Bully Prevention 7th Grade Powerpoint

Bully Prevention 8th Grade Lesson

Bully Prevention 8th Grade Powerpoint

Bully Prevention 9th Grade Lesson

Bully Prevention 9th Grade Powerpoint

SRMS Anti-Bully Pledge


October is the month where we take a stand up against bullying. We have several dress up days where students can show their support for each other.

  • Superhero Day - “Be Somebody’s Hero”
  • Neon Day - “It’s Not Bright to Bully.” WEAR NEON CLOTHING
  • Orange Day - This is the National Unity Day where everyone is supposed to wear orange to stand up against bullying. WEAR ORANGE CLOTHING
  • Camo Day - “Don’t let bullying hide in the shadows! Help make bullying stand out so we can stop it!” WEAR CAMOUFLAGE CLOTHING
  • Pledge Banner Day - There is no specific clothing to wear on this day but we have students sign our pledge banner that hangs on the cafeteria wall and they all get a bracelet with our anonymous text line phone number!
  • Mix it Up at Lunches - We have the ambassadors create posters about things they like (enough to have one on every table in lunch room). Students then get lunch and sit at a table with a poster that they relate to. This is to get students out of their comfort zones and have them talk to other students that share similar interests.
  • Flash Mob - we have the ambassador students vote on a song (with appropriate lyrics) and then our dance teachers puts together a flash mob that is done during lunch sometime in October.


Respect, Empathy, and Celebrating Diversity - Our 3 year cycle focus

We have 3 different wristbands for each of these different years. These wristbands are given out as part of the the Get Caught Being Good contests that we have (see below). These are to remind students of our focus and to help them work on each of these traits every year. We also bring in different performing groups every year, usually three, to perform for the students. We have had a mariachi band, Polynesian dancers, and this year we are working on getting a bag pipe troup to come in.

Respect 2017-2018

Celebrating Diversity 2016-2017

Empathy 2015-2016

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